
The following provisions set out the terms and conditions of sale of products offered by the company EUROPANN 'NATIONS on its website at the following address: www.europann.com.

Clicking on the icon "I accept the terms and conditions of sale" means that you accept these terms of sale.

Clicking on "Confirm your order" means that you definitely confirm your order.

Validation of the Order is acceptance without limitation or qualification these Terms and Conditions.

The company EUROPANN 'NATIONS invites you to read the following clauses.

The company EUROPANN 'NATIONS specifies that it is not possible to buy a property without accepting the conditions set out below.

EUROPANN 'NATIONS is a company with a capital of 152,449.02 euro which is headquartered in Marseille (13012), 30, rue Gaston de Flotte, registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of Marseille under number B 381 192 848, and whose number of intra-community VAT VAT FR63 381 192 848, and can be reached:

By mail to the address above,

By phone: Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 14h to 16h 04 91 48 82 82 (non-premium number) or by fax to 04 91 48 95 80

By contact form via the CONTACT page of the site europann.com


The terms and expressions listed below mean, when preceded by a capital letter, for the purposes of interpretation and enforcement of these:

"Article" or the property which has been the subject of the Order;

"Product" means any goods offered for sale on the Website;

"Order" means a request made by the Real Customer with EUROPANN 'NATIONS;

"General Conditions" means general conditions of sale which are the subject matter hereof;

"Agreement" means this document, including its preamble and annexes and any amendment, substitution, extension or renewal intervened herein under the Convention of the Parties;

"Delivery Time" means the period between the date of validation of the Order and the date of delivery of the Order to the Customer;

"Delivery charges" cost of expenses incurred by EUROPANN 'NATIONS to deliver the Order to the address of delivery indicated by the Customer;

"Delivery": shipping Item Customer;

"Mode of delivery" means any method of standard or express delivery available on the website at the time of the Order;

"Price" means the unit value of a good. This value is inclusive and excluding delivery costs of all taxes;

"Total Cost" means the total amount of accumulated goods which are the subject of the Order price, which amount is inclusive of all taxes;

"Site" site Online Sale "www.europann.com" used by EUROPANN 'NATIONS for the marketing of its goods

"Validation of Control" has the meaning given in Article 4.2;

References to Articles are references to sections of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided.

Article 1. Subject:

These general conditions of sale define, exclusively because of the relationships they establish on the Internet, the rights and obligations between the parties and the various stages of the ordering process. The auction is reserved for major customers or minor with parental consent.

Article 2. Products:

The products offered for sale by EUROPANN 'NATIONS are those listed on the site for a period of on-line a week and within the limits of available stocks.

A lack of availability of the product, EUROPANN 'NATIONS undertakes to inform the customer as soon as possible.

In case of unavailability beyond 3 days of product ordered and paid for, the customer will be informed by email. The cancellation of the order of this product and its repayment will be made, the rest of the remaining firm and final order.

The products offered for sale are described and presented with the greatest possible accuracy.

Article 3. Price:

Prices are quoted in Euro. They take into account any discounts and the VAT applicable on the date of the order.

The prices listed on the site are guaranteed within the limits of available stocks, unless significant changes charges including VAT, unless typographical errors or omissions.

Prices do not include postage and packing which will be charged extra and will be specified to the customer when the final confirmation of the order.

The products will be billed based on rates in effect at the time of registration of the order, subject however to the availability of products.

The products remain the property of EUROPANN 'NATIONS until full payment.

Article 4. Command:

4.1 - Registration of a command:

Customers interested in any article on the site europann.com order directly through the site: www.europann.com

The customer places his order directly on the website europann.com should follow the following procedure:

- In its first order, the customer must fill out a form containing the following information: title, name, complete delivery address, e-mail and phone number. It then specifies the delivery method chosen.

- The customer will choose the various products to which it has an interest and turn clicks on the link "Add to Cart".

At any moment it will be possible:

• Obtain an overview of selected by clicking on the "My Cart" products

• Continue its shopping by clicking on the "Continue Shopping" (CONTINUE SHOPPING)

• Complete the selection and make the order by clicking on the "Checkout" link (CHECKOUT)

- To order the selected products, the customer must identify themselves by entering their e-mail address and password. The customer is informed and accepts that the entry of these two identifiers (e-mail address and password) is proof of his identity and gives his consent.

- If the client does not register in advance, it will fill out the form will automatically appear in the first order or fill up in advance under "My Account" and clicking on the link "Register" .

Once the user is identified, it will confirm the delivery address and an order summary will appear: the nature, quantity and price of products selected by the user, as well as the payment method, the coordinates of the user and the delivery address of the package.

The customer declares to be 18 years or, alternatively, have parental authorization allowing him to proceed with the order on the site.

4.2 - Validation of the command:

After reviewing the status of their order, and once all required information has been completed by the customer, the customer clicks on "OK" to confirm their order. After confirming the payment, the customer finally and irrevocably confirm the order with the below listed.

• Payment by credit card via the CIC bank: The customer confirms their address, the product (s) (s) and total price. The customer must provide their credit card number, expiration date thereof and the security code (3 digit number on the back of the card), an authentication code may be requested by your institution bank.

In all cases, regardless of the method of payment chosen by the customer, EUROPANN 'NATIONS acknowledge receipt of the order in its validation by email or by any other means at its disposal, in accordance with the provisions of Article L121-19 of the Consumer Code.

As part of our policy against fraud and identity theft, a photocopy of proof of identity and proof of address (EDF bill or others) can be charged to the client. In anticipation of these documents, the order will be "being validated." Thank you kindly provide us with the required documents within 10 days to ensure timely processing of your order.

For the validation of the order, the customer confirms having well, 18 years, parental consent to proceed with the order. The authorized minor undertakes to inform the collection of personal data of parental authority, which may oppose their conservation and / or transmission to third parties.

Article 5. Payment:

The amount owed by the customer is the amount shown on the order confirmation sent by e-mail by EUROPANN 'NATIONS customer euros. Payment will be made unless the server is unavailable immediately online by credit card (Visa, Eurocard / Mastercard).

However, pursuant to Article L. 122-1 of the Consumer Code, EUROPANN 'NATIONS reserves the right to refuse any order or delivery in the event of a dispute exists with the customer, total or partial non-payment of a previous order by the customer, refusal authorization of payment by credit card banking institutions, non-payment or partial payment for the use of a non-delivered by a French financial institution credit card. Responsibility for EUROPANN 'NATIONS can not be in any way be liable in this respect. In the event that the customer's bank account is not denominated in euros, the total amount payable is calculated based on the exchange rate of the day applied by the bank to the customer.

For more than one hundred and twenty euro amount, in accordance with Article L.134-2 of the French Consumer Code, EUROPANN 'NATIONS conduct archival evidence of the written award of the sale on paper or electronically for the periods applicable legal. The customer has access to this document at any time, on application made with EUROPANN 'NATIONS enclosing a voucher of his identity.

For deliveries outside of the European Union, any customs fees are the responsibility of the customer.

EUROPANN 'NATIONS reserves the right, if the first customer order, request proof of the validity of his account.

Article 6. Securing transactions:

To ensure the security of payments, europann.com site uses secure CM-CIC payment service. The confidential data (card number to 16 digits, expiration date and cryptogram) are directly transmitted to the SIPS server without passing the physical media server EUROPANN 'NATIONS.

When the order is confirmed, the payment request is routed in real time on the CM-CIC Secure payment handler. It sends a request for authorization to the network card. The payment manager issues an electronic certificate.

Article 8. Delivery:

Products are shipped with delivery to the delivery address specified by the customer when ordering.

EUROPANN 'NATIONS reserves the right to refuse to deliver orders from individuals to collective addresses such as offices, nursing homes, stays. In case of delivery to a group address, the customer acknowledges that the obligation to EUROPANN 'NATIONS for the delivery of the order to stop the actual delivery to the address specified in the collective order, even though the sending is not received by the final recipient but by a third party.

All committed orders are shipped the next business day. Attention all orders validated on Friday are shipped the Monday or Tuesday (depending on the carrier). Delivery times given are indicative of the date of the validation of the order by the customer as possible. They correspond to the time of treatment and delivery of products. In no case shall not be enforceable, but in case of unusual delay, an email will be sent.
That said, despite all the care taken by EUROPANN 'NATIONS in the preparation of packages, it is possible that a product is missing. Similarly, after transport package, a product may be defective.

Therefore, upon receipt of the order, the customer must verify the conformity of the products received. Any anomaly concerning the delivery (missing or damaged packages) must be notified on the same day of receipt or within 3 days of receipt at headquarters EUROPANN 'NATIONS, by registered mail.

Any claim made after this time will be rejected and EUROPANN 'NATIONS be released from any liability. EUROPANN 'NATIONS reserves the right to ask the customer to return the defective product. If the above conditions are met, EUROPANN 'NATIONS then proceed to the exchange, the delivery of an asset, the repayment of (these) product (s) defective or the return of the missing product (subject to well- validity of the request by the buyer).

Products offered for sale on the site may europann.com be acquired in all countries of the European Union. EUROPANN 'NATIONS reserves the right to modify at any time the list of these countries.


(Times shown are indicative deadlines routing our carrier business days.)



Time (working days)




2 to 5 days

€ 10


3 to 7 days

€ 20


2 to 5 days

€ 30


Transport costs are free for all orders over 300 euros, regardless of its destination.

If a batch of several articles on the same order, the delivery costs for an item are those mentioned above, the delivery of other additional items in the order is free.
Damaged package:
We ask that you do not receive a damaged package (with visible traces of opening and / or damage to packaging): it is imperative to refuse. Indeed, the package leaving the warehouse site EUROPANN 'NATIONS are always impeccable, and be delivered to you in this state. If no reserve has been issued, we will not be able to take into account the possible disappearance, or to make compensation.


Colissimo (Standard):

The Colissimo is delivered by the Post Office 2-5 business days.

It is delivered to the shipping address provided on your order.
It is important to be specific about your delivery address. Delivery is made from Monday to Saturday.

In case of absence, the postman will leave you a calling card, indicating the conditions for removal of your package (place and time). The time instance are generally 15 days.
Time: the package from our local business day after order confirmation. For orders placed on Friday, the package will be shipped on Monday.

You can follow the progress of your parcel on the site www.coliposte.net by taking the No. Colissimo indicated under "my account" at europann.com. This number is also provided in the email entitled "FOLLOW YOUR ORDER."


You can follow in real time the status of your order under "my account" at europann.com.

Here are the different order statuses:

• "Waiting"
Your order is awaiting preparation. In case of problems, do not hesitate to contact our customer service via the contact form.

• "In Review" or "Pending Validation"
We do, to protect our clients, a certification policy account. To validate your account, we will ask for a proof of identity and address. Waiting for your documents, your order remains in status "during validation" for a maximum of 7 days. Once approved your proof, it will be checked in less than 24 hours worked and your order will instantly "Being prepared" and will be shipped within 24 hours worked.

• "Being prepared"
Your order is being prepared in the warehouses of our service.
Warning: when the status is displayed, we can not cancel or change your order.

• "Shipped"
Your package has left our warehouse and service is being delivered.

You can track your package according to the selected carrier on their respective websites:

o Intl: www.coliposte.net

NB: within 24 to 48 hours may be required on the site before the carrier status of the package appears.
Delays carrier listed above are taken into account from the start of the parcel of our local and only in France. All committed orders are shipped the next day, orders validated from Friday are shipped on Monday. You will receive a confirmation email at the time of shipment (from factory).
It should be noted that EUROPANN 'NATIONS can not be responsible for any delay in delivery.

Article 9. Loyalty program:

Any Customer who spent at least an order is entered automatically and free loyalty program EUROPANN.

Principle of accumulation of loyalty points:
Each firm and final purchase generates loyalty points for the customer concerned, under the following conditions:
- 1 euro spent provides 1 loyalty point.
-1 Reward points equivalent to 0.10 euros jackpots. The pot thus formed is converted into voucher "reward loyalty."
- Loyalty points are issued and acquired 10 days after the delivery of the order, unless a claim has been made by the customer. In this case, they are issued upon receipt of the package and in return is the amount of outstanding items.
- All returned item provides no loyalty point.
- When using a promotional code, loyalty points earned are deducted in proportion to the amount of the promotional code.
- Any order paid with a credit provides a number of reward points deducted from the amount paid to have it.
- The points earned are valid only on the active customer's account.

Showing loyalty points:
The customer may at any time check their loyalty points and their validity in "My Account", "My loyalty points."

Transformation of the pot into a voucher "loyalty reward"
Any customer who has acquired at least one loyalty point can turn in its kitty gift certificate loyalty to step "Payment", by clicking on "USE" on line "Fidelity."
- The loyalty coupons are suitable reduction from 50 € to articles in the Shopping Bag Customer.
- Lesbons discount can not be combined with promotional codes, they are not used on items bought on sale.
- The gift certificates may not be recoverable.
-In the event that the Customer does not use its entire pot on a command, the remainder is retained for future use within the limits of validity of his account. Loyalty points are processed in priority those with the edge of the nearest valid.

Article 10. Availability:

The products offered by EUROPANN 'NATIONS are valid for the duration of online products defined in Article 2 hereof, within the limits of available stocks. The information on the availability of products are provided at the time of placing the order. In the event of unavailability of a product after placing the order, EUROPANN 'NATIONS undertakes to inform the customer by e-mail upon receipt of the information as soon as possible. Your order will be automatically canceled and the customer immediately refunded if their account has been debited. Reimbursement will be made directly to the customer no later than thirty days after the payment of the sums paid by the customer's bank account.

Article 11. Right of withdrawal:

Under the law, the customer has a right of withdrawal for seven days from the date of receipt or removal of items for any item purchased on the site, given that the day serves as a starting point only account not and if this period ends on a Saturday or a Sunday or a holiday or holiday, it is extended until the next business day. The customer can return to EUROPANN 'NATIONS products without stating the reason, in accordance with Articles L. 121-16 et seq of consumption in the aforementioned period. This right is exercised by the return of the product, only the shipping are the responsibility of the customer. If the customer exercises its withdrawal period, the company EUROPANN 'NATIONS agrees to reimburse the sums actually paid in a maximum of 30 days depending on the payment method that was chosen, unless the customer requests to receive a credit, valid for one year from the date of issue.
The right of withdrawal is exercised under the same conditions from the order and before delivery.

Article 12. Guarantees:

All products sold are of the "money back guarantee" for a period of 10 days from the date of receipt or removal of items, with the exception of items purchased balances or via a special sale, or enjoying a code or a promotional offer, which have only a right of withdrawal for 7 days.
Any request for credit or refund will be made through the "CONTACT", available on the website. In case the customer does not comply with this procedure, the processing time of return can be significantly extended. A refund will be possible only if the client has complied with the period of withdrawal.
Items purchased balances or in exceptional sales, or enjoying a code or a promotional offer can receive a credit or a refund if it is made upon written demand, during the period right of withdrawal, to the following address: EUROPANN 'NATIONS, 30 rue Gaston de Flotte, 13012, MARSEILLE.
Only items returned in their original resalable condition packaging (shoe box, plastic bags ...) will be accepted. As a result, returns washed and / or worn clothing and damaged boxes will not be accepted. All warranties only apply provided that the damage is not caused by the customer due to negligence, damage or misuse of the product.

Article 13. Terms and compensation for returns:

• To have

Assets are valid for 12 months from their issue.

The credit is mentioned in the account. It will automatically be offered as payment in future orders. If the amount on your next order is less than that of having EUROPANN 'NATIONS integrate the balance in the account immediately after the command.

Any new purchase with an initial credit will result in a refund only to the extent of the amounts actually paid by Credit Card or Paypal in this new purchase and issuance of a new credit for the remainder, the new holding only valid for the remainder of the original have.

• Reimbursement

EUROPANN 'NATIONS will reimburse a maximum of 30 days after receiving the returned package.

• Charge back

The customer must retain any evidence of return, which implies that the items be returned by registered mail or by any other means giving a certain date in the shipment.

For a delivery in France with the use of a return label:
The customer can enjoy free return and prepaid, choosing a credit on all items he wishes to return, when making his request to return. Free return is not guaranteed on items purchased during promotional periods, including in the case of a non-stored for the Pericles purchase. Free and prepayment of return are eligible if and only if the client uses a return label provision by EUROPANN 'NATIONS. By choosing a refund on at least one item of the package back, and after the use of a return label, the customer will receive a refund minus a fee of € 5, under participation shipping his return. If promotional period, and following the use of the return label, the customer will receive a credit minus a fee of € 5.

For other shipping method, or any other destination:
The customer must pay the cost of returning to his carrier.

Case of a defective product or a command error
In cases where the responsibility EUROPANN 'NATIONS proved after checking the returned goods (error in the preparation of order item or found DEFECTIVE) EUROPANN' NATIONS supports the cost of returning the client. If the customer returns the parcel with a return label (Metropolitan France, via a post office), there is no charge to advance. For other shipping mode, the client must send the bill its carrier. Return costs are reimbursed by EUROPANN 'NATIONS following receipt of the invoice from the carrier, within the limits of delivery costs actually paid by the customer when ordering.

Article 14. Intellectual Property:

All elements of the site, whether visual or audio, including the underlying technology, are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents.
They are the exclusive property of EUROPANN 'NATIONS. The user has a personal website and wishes to place, for personal use, on its website a direct link to the homepage of the Site, must request permission to EUROPANN 'NATIONS.
However, any hypertext link to the Site and using the technique of framing or inline linking is strictly prohibited.
In all cases, any link, even tacitly authorized, must be removed at the request of EUROPANN 'NATIONS.
Of hypertext links to other sites that site. EUROPANN 'NATIONS disclaims any liability in the event that the content of these sites violate the laws and regulations.

Article 15. Responsibility:

EUROPANN 'NATIONS did, for all stages of site access, process control shipment of the package or subsequent services, an obligation of means. Responsibility EUROPANN 'NATIONS not be liable for any inconvenience or damage arising from the use of the Internet, including interruption of service, external intrusion or presence of computer viruses, or any event of force majeure, according to law and jurisprudence.

Article 16. Computers and freedoms:

16.1 - Personal information:

The company EUROPANN 'NATIONS undertakes not to infringe the privacy of users of the Site and the confidentiality of information provided.
The information requested from the user is required to process the order.
Accordance with the "Data Protection No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, the user can access at any time to personal information that was provided to the site, and / or request correction, addition, clarification , updated or deleted by contacting Customer Service via the CONTACT section> Customer Service or by letter (SARL EUROPANN 'NATIONS 30 Rue Gaston de float, 13012 MARSEILLE) stating his name, date and place Birth address and email as well as its identifier.
The user consents to the use of data collected by EUROPANN 'NATIONS and dissemination of these data to third parties. The user authorizes the use of data collected by EUROPANN 'NATIONS and / or dissemination of such data to third parties by checking the box on the registration form to the statement "I wish to receive offers from partners europann.com . Once registered on the Site, the User can exercise its right of objection by contacting Customer Service via the CONTACT section> Customer Service or by letter with acknowledgment of receipt (SAS EUROPANN 'NATIONS 30 Rue Gaston de Flotte 13012 MARSEILLE), stating his name, date and place of birth and e-mail address and ID.

16.2 - Cookies: www.europann.com The site is designed to be particularly attentive to the needs of our customers. This is among other things why we use cookies. The purpose of a cookie when you visit our site. Cookies are only used by europann.com in order to improve the personalized service for you. EUROPANN 'NATIONS may send non-personal information to third parties authorized by the use of third party cookies. Third parties authorized by EUROPANN 'NATIONS agree to use this data in accordance with the law "and Freedoms" of January 6, 1978 as amended by the Act of 6 August 2004 and to establish Charters respect for privacy. These non-personal information may be used in particular in the context of banner programs whose charters respect for privacy are available at the following addresses: http://www.criteo.com/index.php/fr/solutions/charte- of-respect-of-the-private-life and http://nextperformance.com/fr-fr/private-life.html

16.3 - Web Tags: Some web pages may sometimes contain electronic images or "web beacons", which count the number of visitors to the page. These web beacons may be used with some of our partners, including to measure and improve the effectiveness of some advertisements. In any event, the information obtained through these tags is strictly anonymous and simply gather statistics on traffic to certain pages of the site to better serve our users.

16.4 - Subscribe to the newsletter:
If you subscribe (e) the company newsletter EUROPANN 'NATIONS, you will receive information on special offers from the company EUROPANN' NATIONS and its partners. The subscriber (s) to the company's newsletter EUROPANN 'NATIONS can unsubscribe at any time:
Upon written request to: SAS EUROPANN 'NATIONS | 30 Rue Gaston de Flotte, 13012 MARSEILLE> By sending a request by email to contact@europann.com

Article 17. Signature and proof:

For payment by credit card on the europann.com site, the electronic certificate issued by the online payment handler will be considered proof of the amount and date of the transaction, in accordance with articles 1316 and following of the Civil Code as well as the means electronic archiving implemented by EUROPANN 'NATIONS. In this regard, the date and time the server will act between the parties.

In all cases, the confirmation of the order, the payment is made by credit card directly on the site is worth signing and acceptance of all operations at the site.

However, the date of payment due is the one referred to in Article 4.2 depending on the type and mode of payment.

Article 18. Offers and promotional codes:

Promotional codes or offers "Sponsorship" generated by europann.com do not apply to Shipping, unless the promotional code relates specifically to shipping. They are used outside offers promotion and special offers (unless otherwise specified).

Promotional codes can not be combined with other promotional codes or offers (unless otherwise specified). Offers and promotional code can not be exchanged against their monetary value. If item (refund-have), promotional codes or offers back "Sponsorship" can not be reused during a new purchase.

Refunds-assets following will return only the amount actually paid therefore excluding from regulated by codes or promotional offers "Sponsorship". For bulk purchases with discounts granted proportional to a cumulative total purchase if the return of one or more items has the effect of reducing the base purchase amount, lowering the amount of the rebate applicable on items preserved and if the customer has not paid the difference upon receipt of the revised invoice, the amount of reimbursement by the seller will reflect the new amount of the rebate and apply to items stored and the difference will be deducted in proportion of the refund for items returned.

This article is also applicable to promotional codes won in contests with different partners.

Article 19. Tariffs:

Any order placed on the site and delivered outside France may be subject to taxes and duties which are levied when the package reaches its destination. These duties and any such taxes related to the delivery of an item are the responsibility of the customer and under its responsibility. EUROPANN 'NATIONS is not required to check and inform clients of customs duties and taxes. To know it is up to member check with the competent authorities of his country. In case of refusal of the consignee to pay duties or taxes, any sums required to EUROPANN 'NATIONS to retrieve the package will be deducted from the refund made to the customer.

Article 20. Partial disability:

In the event that any provision of this contract is null and void by a change in legislation, regulation or court decision, this does not in any way affect the validity and enforceability of these terms and conditions sale.

Article 21. Entire Agreement:

These general conditions of sale and order summary sent to the client and form a contract constitutes the entire contractual relationship between the parties.

Article 22. Modification of Terms of Sale:

EUROPANN 'NATIONS reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions. Any new version of these will be posted in advance on the first page of the site . Members who do not wish their contractual relations are governed by the new version of the General Conditions, and shall notify to the date from which the new version will take effect, they will stop using the service EUROPANN 'NATIONS. In the event that any of the terms of the General Conditions is deemed illegal or unenforceable by a court, other provisions shall remain in force.

Article 23. Force Majeure:

The execution by the Company of all or part of its obligations shall be suspended upon the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure which prevents or delays the execution. Are considered as individual cases recognized by French law. In such a fortuitous event, EUROPANN 'NATIONS inform its customers within seven days by e-mail.

Article 24. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This contract is subject to French law. The language of this contract is the French language. In case of dispute with professionals and / or traders, Marseille courts shall have jurisdiction. In case of dispute with a customer, the French courts will have jurisdiction.

Article 25. Imprint - Contact:

EUROPANN 'NATIONS is a company with a capital of 152,449.02 euro which is headquartered in Marseille (13012), 30, rue Gaston de Flotte, registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies under number B Marseille 381,192,848.

Managing Director: Guy Azoulay

Customer Service: Johanna Daumas: johanna@europann.com

Phone: 04 91 48 82 82 (non-premium number) Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 14h to 16h.

